Welcome to


My name is Alice Muradyan and I am passionate about helping people not only reach their goals but to break through self imposed limitations and go above and beyond. In my 20+ years of working with people my goal is to guide them into their true self, the original state they were created to be. I believe there is greatness in every person and it’s meant to be brought out and shine.

In order to experience true beauty and health that radiates from within you, 3 things must take place.

* 1st your spirit must come alive, and be enlightened.

* 2nd your soul must be healed and restored.

* 3rd your body must be cleansed and nourished.

I am excited to coach and guide you to the next level of your journey toward health, wellness and beauty.

To get started, you can call or email me. To see available packages click here.

Here are some of the areas I work with.

  • Spiritual Coaching

We are all spirit beings, and it’s important to understand how to bring your spirit alive.

  • Health Coaching

Learning the basics of health, so you don’t fall for the latest scams, taking charge of your own health, assisting you with a preventative lifestyle, and eating behavior guidance.

  • Pantry Makeovers

Learn how to eliminate foods from your pantry and refrigerator that are making you sick. How to watch out for tricky ingredients that may cause food reactions.

  • Grocery Shopping Guide

Learn how to read labels, and how to find the healthy substitute for allergies and your favorite foods.

  • Cooking Demonstrations/Classes

Learn how to make easy meals that are wholesome, healthy and delicious. Help with Kids lunches and snacks

  • Image Makeovers

Everything from coloring, cutting, styling, eyebrow shaping and make up application

  • Weight Loss

Stop treating the symptom of abnormal weight by traditional dieting and “miracle” weight loss products and find out what it takes to take it off and keep it off.

  • Goal Setting and more…

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38 thoughts on “Welcome to

  1. Alice, I love everything you said. This describes who you are and everything you’re passionate about to a T. As long as I’ve known you, you’ve cared about the whole person. Always making sure they know the latest about hair care, skin, home, educating us on health and fitness by extensive research on your part. I don’t know if I know anyone that is as hungry as you are, to continually learn and to accumulate the most current information available to a person. After leaving your company a person is more knowledgeable then when first walking through your doors. I know my life has been changed and enhanced by knowing you and learning from you.
    luv U,

    Well where are the sign ups?

  2. How wonderful is this Alice?! I am going to email this link to all my friends and relatives. I seriously cried when I saw this. So informative and thanks for more recipes. You’re amazing!

  3. I have 2 things to say: First, KAMATZ!!!
    and secondly, I am so happy for you. This has been your calling for so long now. Hallalujah! You are doing the public such a service by starting this wonderful blog….

  4. Hey Alice,

    You are a wonderfull and caring person. Someone people can count on. You make everyone look beutifull and feel good about themselves.

    See You soon,


  5. WOW! I am truly so touched my all the comments and responses, thank you all very much, I don’t take your words lightly and it’s very encouraging to me, love you all!

  6. Hey Alice this is awesome, really stylish. Now get going with a section to share those amazing recipes of yours and God bless you with wisdom, grace and strength as you impact others lives. Everyone needs an Alice in their lives to inspire them.
    Much Love Mary-Ann Shearer

  7. Hi, Alice,
    You did a wonderful job! I have to say it really speaks to who you are. I have always admired you’re desire to speak into people’s lives with such clarity and your willingness to serve others with such compassion and abandon. You truly are a blessing to anyone you come in contact with. I pray that God will continue to bless you in your efforts to use your many talents in touching others.
    love & blessings,

  8. I think what you are doing for others is wonderful, this is you true calling . You inspire me so much!
    I am so Blessed to have you in my life!
    God Bless You, I love you, Caryn

  9. Alice

    A job well done. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You are beautiful inside and out and have always been an inspiration to me. xo.


  10. September 22, 1968, that is when the Lord decided that the mold from which He carved you out of, with His own loving hands, simply cost WAY too much money, He than set it on His right side and said, this one, I will call my very own, hence making you “ONE OF A KIND”

    Your determination, passion and an absolute relentless desire to continually give into people’s lives without expecting anything in return has been a witness not only to me, but to thousands of others as well.

    You’re truly a SPECIAL person, a once in a lifetime find, I cannot believe that the Lord would love me that much to give you to me..

    Man I hope your head doesn’t blow up..

  11. Alice,

    Your blog is wonderful! What an amazing vision you’ve been given. I’m so glad that this will be shared and used to minister to so many people who need help with health and healing from within!

    Love & Blessings,

  12. While your prayers
    are being answered,
    also know
    that i am on the sidelines
    cheering you on
    on your journey.
    you are
    W O N D E R F U L!

  13. Alice,

    This looks fantastic!! You are such a blessing to so many. You are such a bright light…way to go for answering God’s call on your life. This is just the beginning!! 🙂

    Kim xoxo

  14. Hi Alice,

    When can you come and clean out my cupboards? LOL! Serious.
    What about asorbic acid? Is that good or bad for you?

    You go girl,

    Pastor Desiree

    • The best way to get your vitamin C is from fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C in the form of Ascorbic Acid being one of the safest vitamins to take still may cause, arthritis, gout, stomach upset, and diarrhea. Some of the highest sources of Vit. C are red bell pepper, guava, rose hips (tea), citrus fruits. There’s also Amla fruit, often referred to as Indian gooseberry. It is one of the richest known sources of vitamin C it contains 30 times the amount found in oranges making it useful for treating throat and respiratory tract infections. I will come clean out your pantry any time 🙂 I don’t know if P.Mel would be happy about that LOL!

  15. This is an absolutely lovely site and speaks so explicitly of the woman you are. I’m delighted to see this portal that your finest gifts can flow through. Amazing…
    You are inspiration at its finest!

    miss you and love you,

  16. Congratulations Alice Jan!!! The blog is just wonderful and very informative…
    You are one driven person!!!! Great job!!!

  17. OK! Hello!?!
    Why is it that this is the first I’m hearing of this great site of yours. You… the person that inspired me to get going with my own blog, and you didn’t tell me about yours…. well I’m glad I found it now.
    You truly are an inspiration to us all in many ways. Keep it up.

  18. Apres akhchiks! I’m sooooo proud of you and you inspiration to so many me included God using you tremendosly to help other people,You shining inside out,love you your Mom

  19. Hi Alice,
    You were born to help people in every area of their life. Congrats and may God place the people who need help in your path.

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